Kamis, 07 Februari 2013

How to choose an automated trading performance?

In recent years, a new way to trade grows increasingly. Instead trader yourself live, which can lead to stress and unsustainable pressures when there are large sums of money at stake, it is now possible to use a computer program that will act according to our instructions . use a automated trading system has many advantages. For example, it allows the trader to detach himself from his affect during the investment phase.

Thus, the design rules for the controller is done after analysis of the most effective strategies, head cold. Then the robot will act for you automatically and place your orders according to your criteria. You just have to let it run. however, this is not a reason to go on vacation during this time.

Even if you have some seminarians believe otherwise, it would not be a good idea. You must be vigilant and be able to intervene in case of technical problems. Using an automated trading, you will be able to diversify your business by being present on multiple markets. You can, in the same way, test different strategies, which is not live. Responsiveness and execution of your controller is also a major asset not to be overlooked.

Enter a manual command is sometimes a bit slow. You're never more immune to error. How to choose a trading robot? There are many advertisements that dangle the opportunity to earn huge fortunes turning thumbs. The first impulse is to flee this kind of offers that make you believe in easy money. An automated system must be carefully configured and tested on a historically important. Market conditions change regularly over time.

Must be sufficiently robust robot to adapt or use several different robots each implementing a specific strategy. Over the period over which the automated system was tested, the longer its validity is reliable. 's best yet to try a test robot. If you think it is not effective, then you should be able to claim your money. Do not hesitate to make many test before you start for real. At the beginning, test on small amounts, the time to familiarize yourself with the new system. For those who know a little computer, it is also possible to set one's own trading robot.

The advantage is that at least you know what it contains and what are their reactions. Indeed, using a sytème ready is to have a blind faith in the system, which you know nothing. Finally, and most importantly, think carefully about your exit strategy. Rules must define your controller when it is necessary to intervene in a market but especially when out to minimize potential losses.

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